How to Deal with Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents and Stay Safe on the Road?

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Motorcycle riding offers unparalleled freedom and excitement but comes with unique risks. Therefore, it is important to understand the causes of motorcycle accidents and strategies that can be implemented to ensure safety on the road.
If you or a loved one is involved in an accident, reach out to a motorcycle accident attorney to help you with the legal processes.
In this article, we’re going to explore some of the common causes of motorcycle accidents and provide some actionable tips to help drivers navigate the roads safely.
Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
Some of the common causes of motorcycle accidents include the following.
Poor Visibility
Poor visibility is a significant contributor to motorcycle accidents. Motorcycles often appear smaller than cars on the road, which makes it harder to spot them in traffic or blind spots by other drivers. To prevent poor visibility issues, motorcyclists have to:
- Wear bright and reflective clothing, especially in poor weather conditions and at night.
- Position yourself in lanes where you’re easily visible to other drivers.
- Avoid switching lanes in other vehicles’ blind spots.
- Avoid overspeeding in black spots.
Left-Turning Vehicles
Another major cause of motorcycle accidents is left-turning vehicles. Most drivers often fail to notice or underestimate the speed of oncoming motorcycles when turning left in front of them. Here’s how to prevent accidents caused by left-turning vehicles:
- Always approach the intersection with caution and be prepared to brake.
- Look for signs that a vehicle might be turning left, such as the wheel angle. Some drivers might forget to indicate when turning.
- Honk or rev your engine slightly to make your presence known to the drivers in front of you.
- Avoid high speeds when driving through intersections.
Speeding with a motorcycle is very dangerous because speed-related crashes can be very dangerous to the rider. Motorcycles don’t have protective barriers like cars, and excessive speeding can reduce the time needed to react to hazards, thereby increasing the severity of accidents. Here’s what to do:
- Look out for posted speed limits as you ride and follow them.
- Adjust your speeds depending on the road conditions.
- Avoid speeding in some areas, such as residential and school zones.
- Perfect your acceleration game to always maintain road stability.
Lane Splitting
This is when motorcyclists ride between lanes of slow-moving or stopped traffic. It is always tempting to almost all riders and has caused accidents frequently. Here’s how to avoid lane-splitting incidents:
- Only engage in lane splitting if it's legal and the conditions are very safe.
- Flash your headlights or horn for other drivers to notice you.
- Maintain low speeds and be steady as you drive past other vehicles.
- Be on the lookout for drivers who might change their lanes unexpectedly.
Distracted Driving
Activities such as using your phone, eating, waving at other motorists, or adjusting your motorcycle controls can always divert your attention away from the road, leading to accidents. To avoid distractions as you ride:
- Always ride defensively and assume that other drivers might not see you. This will make sure you’re alert at all times.
- Do not ride alongside vehicles for prolonged periods.
- Look for signs of distracted drivers on the road, such as erratic speed or drifting between lanes, and avoid them.
- Keep a safe following distance between yourself and the driver in front of you to have enough time to react.
As a motorcyclist, staying safe on the road requires a combination of assertiveness, vigilance, and responsible behavior. Understanding the common causes of accidents can help you take proactive steps toward addressing them and significantly reduce the risks when riding. By adopting these strategies, you are more likely to protect your life and that of others with whom you share the road.

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