Category: Innovation

A Story About the Digital Revolution

A Story About the Digital Revolution

The Digital Revolution timeline refers to the shift from mechanical devices and analogue electronic technology to digital electronics as a means of storing, transferring and utilizing information. This era started during the 1980s and is ongoing. The Digital Revolution is called the beginning of the...

What Are The Top 5 Technologies Powering The Metaverse?

What Are The Top 5 Technologies Powering The Metaverse?

Blockchain, IoT, Big Data… All these technologies play a pivotal role in creating the ‘Metaversive’ future. But we are still in the development stage of this breakthrough and the question arises: is all this hullabaloo actually the beginning of a revolution, the so-called Web 3.0,...

The Increase In ‘Synthesis’ Of Data For The AI Potentials

The Increase In ‘Synthesis’ Of Data For The AI Potentials

Synthetic Data For AI Evolution Imagine that data could be shared seamlessly with partners, governments, and other organisations, without breaking any data protection law, to facilitate innovation. How will it be possible to use closely guarded customer data while still maintaining the highest privacy and...

Minting NFTs – An Extract From The Ultimate Guide to NFTs

Minting NFTs – An Extract From The Ultimate Guide to NFTs

Minting is the process of encapsulating a digital asset into a blockchain as a public ledger, i.e., as an NFT. It is a straightforward process that everyone can learn about, and eventually, put into practice. This is an extract of the upcoming 'Metaverse NFTs Uprising...

Here Are The Most Important Breakthrough Technologies for 2022

Here Are The Most Important Breakthrough Technologies for 2022

Here Are The Most Important Breakthrough Technologies for 2022 MIT Technology Review has recently published a list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies for 2022. They ranged from, the topical, covid variant tracking technologies, through new forms of authentication (no more passwords), to the malaria vaccines, and...

Creating A Framework For Humanitarian Innovation By Redesigning AI

Creating A Framework For Humanitarian Innovation By Redesigning AI

Redesigning AI: Improvising With The Dynamics Of Humanitarian Innovation The constantly shifting paradigms of humanitarian actions, owing to the increased complexity and range of needs, has resulted in a steep demand for innovation in the area. Technological advancements, like Big Data analytics and AI, have...

The Existence Of Fungibility In The Metaverse And Beyond

The Existence Of Fungibility In The Metaverse And Beyond

Fungibility is the feature of an asset or a commodity that can be interchanged with another one, with no compromise on its value. On the other hand, NFTs (or Non-Fungible Tokens) cannot be exchanged because of their unique, immutable, and irreplaceable nature. Currently, there is...

Ultimate Guide To NFTs: How to build an NFT Ecosystem?

Ultimate Guide To NFTs: How to build an NFT Ecosystem?

Ultimate Guide To NFTs: How to build an NFT Ecosystem? NFTs are the key that brings offline world assets to the online, open, and decentralised digital world, fuelling the rise of new digital immersive ecosystems. This is an extract of the upcoming 'Metaverse NFTs Uprising...

YouTube To Join The Web 3.0 Revolution

YouTube To Join The Web 3.0 Revolution

The platform executives know that a new internet era, Web 3.0, is coming. It has the potential to revolutionise the virtual world. The same way Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos have become successful billionaires during the Web 2.0 era, Web 3.0 presents new...

Unveiling The Transformation Of Travel With Blockchain Technology

Unveiling The Transformation Of Travel With Blockchain Technology

“Imagine a world where your luggage never gets lost. You never have to wait for your hotel loyalty rewards to materialise. All your passports and visa documents are digitised. That’s the kind of world blockchain aims for”, Mayank Singhal, member of the Blockchain Research Institute...

Cityzenith’s Digital Twin For Las Vegas Enters Second Phase

Cityzenith’s Digital Twin For Las Vegas Enters Second Phase

Cityzenith’s ambitious project to help Las Vegas building owners transition to net-zero carbon emissions using its SmartWorld Digital Twin technology has completed its first phase. The initial phase of the company’s Digital Twin project in Las Vegas encompassed a seven sq km space of the...

2022 Predictions: China To Dominate Super Apps, Data Ownership In Banking To Be More Transparent, And Mobile Wallet Transactions Set To Exceed $266 Billion In The US, Says GlobalData

2022 Predictions: China To Dominate Super Apps, Data Ownership In Banking To Be More Transparent, And Mobile Wallet Transactions Set To Exceed $266 Billion In The US, Says GlobalData

Digital technologies are causing disruption across banking and online payments. In its latest report, ‘Tech, Media, & Telecom (TMT) Predictions 2022’, GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company, finds that super apps, openness in customer data ownership, and Generation Hashtag will be key topics in fintech...