Virtual SSF Summit: Startup Societies in a Post-Covid World

Virtual SSF Summit: Startup Societies in a Post-Covid World

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Virtual SSF Summit: Startup Societies in a Post-Covid World

News Release
May 1, 3:00PM to May 3, 12:00AM BST
340 people attending

In the aftermath of COVID-19, the world will need to rebuild economically and politically. To prepare for this, the Startup Societies Foundation is hosting a virtual summit that will explore how special jurisdictions can combat pandemics and rebuild governance, institutions and economies in the aftermath of COVID-19.

This conference will explore how small and special jurisdictions have an advantage when dealing with Coronavirus and similar pandemics. Their size makes it more manageable for governments to trace goods, and people, as well as implement drastic measures to fight health threats. Successful containment strategies within Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau are evidence of this.

Other special jurisdictions, like Special Economic Zones (SEZs), can facilitate trade as states enact policies to reduce transmission. Trade barriers will likely follow recent travel restrictions as states are more motivated to control their own supply chains. Yet, states must still trade. SEZs can provide a bastion of global exchange amid mounting tensions. Also, SEZs that focus on medical technologies can help firms create preventive treatments or vaccines. These innovative Zones can also be administered by Distributed Ledger Technologies, reducing the need physical contact.

Special jurisdictions should be at the forefront of post-COVID-19 policy by providing innovative, accountable and nimble governance.

Now — at the depth of the pandemic — is the time to lay the foundation. Don't Panic. Build.

On May 1st-2nd, this live virtual event will bring together leaders in special jurisdictions, policy making, epidemiology, distributed ledger technology, and data science.

To prepare for this, the Startup Societies Foundation is hosting a virtual summit that will explore how special jurisdictions can combat pandemics and rebuild governance institutions; economics in the aftermath of Covid 19.

Here are some of the speakers:

Prince Michael of Liechtenstein - Founder of Geopolitical Intelligence Services
Tim Draper- Founder of Draper Associates
Balaji Srinivasan - Former General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz
Taavi Kotka - Founder of Estonia's eResidency Program
Mwiya Musokotwane - Founder of Nkwashi Private City
Roger Ver - CEO of
Wade Shepard - Author of Ghost Cities
Ibrahim Natour - Mayor of Rawabi City
James Ehrlich - CEO of Regen Villages
Mark Beer - Chairman and Co-Founder of The Metis Institute
Dr. Andreas Baumgartner- CEO and Co-Founder of The Metis Institute
Oliver Porter - Founder of Sandy Springs Georgia
Robin Hanson - Professor at George Mason University
Brittany Kaiser - Co-Founder at Own Your Data Foundation
Dinis Guarda - CEO Founder,,
Lotta Moberg - Author of the Political Economy of Special Economic Zones
Claude Baissac - Former President of the World Economic Zone Association
Jason Potts - Professor of Economic at RMIT and Director of Blockchain Innovation Hub
Titus Gebel - Free Private Cities
Michael Castle Miller - Director of Politas
Jim Coleman - Head of Economics at WSP
Tom W Bell - Author of Your Next Government?
Nathalie Mezza-Garcia - CEO of Seaphia
Michael Strong - Radical Social Entrepreneurs
Jason Blick - CEO of Eqibank
Ricardo Plata Sarabia - Secretary of Economic Development for Barranquilla City
Ricardo Vives Guerra - President of Puerta de Oro
Joe Quirk - The Seasteading Institute
Mark Frazier - Chairman of the Startup Societies Foundation
Mark Lutter - Director of the Charter Cities Institute
Trent Larson - Principal Developer at Medici Land Governance
Rik Willard - CEO of the Agentic Group
Joel Telpner - Senior Partner at Sullivan and Worcester LLP
Joe Sanchis - Founder of Queue Technologies
Marquis Cabrera - CEO of Stat Zero Ventures
Mondher Khanfir - FEMOZA Advisor
Early Boykins - Director of Andra Capital
Marie-Noel Nsana - Former Vice President of AML Compliance at CitiBank
Adam Traidman - CEO of BRD Wallet
Brent Tanner - Chief Operating Officer of Citibank SA Brasil
David Johnston - Managing Director of Yeoman Capital
Aaron Voisine - Co-Founder & Senior Core Architect of Bread Wallet

This conference will explore how small and special jurisdictions have an advantage when dealing with coronavirus and similar pandemics. Their size makes it more manageable for governments to trace goods, people, and to implement drastic measures to fight health threats. Succesful containment strategies within Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau are evidence of this.

Other special jursidictions, like Special Economic Zones (SEZ) can facilitate trade as states enact policies to reduce transmission. Trade barriers will likely follow recent travel restrictions as states are more motivated to control their own supply chains. Yet states must still trade. SEZs can provide a bastion of global exchange amid mounting tensions. Also, SEZs that focus on medical technologies can help firms create preventive treatments or vaccines. These innovative Zones can also be administered by Distributed Ledger Technologies, reducing the need for physical contact.

Special jurisdictions should be at the forefront of PostCovid 19 policy by providing innovative, accountable, and nimble governance. Now, at the depth of the pandemic, is the time to lay the foundations. Don't Panic. Build.

All ticket holders will recieve a free copy of our how-to manual to create Startup Societies. Also, to support decentralized applications, the conference will also accept cryptocurrenies to purchase tickets. To process a cryptocurrency transaction, follow the instructions here:

About Startup Societies Foundations

Around the world, people are dissatisfied with their governments. Most governments are difficult (and slow) to change, in part due to their size. Our idea is simple: don't argue about it, build the alternative. While the term "startup society"is new, the concept is not. American colonies began as startup societies to escape religious persecution in Europe.
While every society in history began as a startup, there are plenty of modern examples. Cities such as Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Singapore have lifted millions of people out of poverty and have the same economic output as many nation states. Currently, there are more than 5400 startup societies across the globe.


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