The Pros and Cons of Using HARO for Your Business

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Online marketing involves treading a fine line between mass outreach and promotion with a little more finesse. You obviously need a certain weight of promotion behind you to build momentum and push your brand out into the wild, but you must also pay heed to the need for finesse and be prepared to use your scalpel when required. If you want to get the kind of response you're after from the Help A Reporter To (HARO) service; the latter scalpel option is what you want to use. While it's true that a laser-like focus increases the likelihood of success, it also comes with a few drawbacks that may leave you tearing your hair out if you don't get the results you were hoping for. This post will explore a few of the major up and downsides of the HARO approach to brand building which should leave you feeling mildly better about yourself if you have thus far been unsuccessful in seeing the outcome you so desperately wanted.
It's A Great Way To Achieve A Level Of Authority Unlike Anything Else
Perhaps the most significant advantage that HARO has over other forms of promotion is the sheer weight of authority of some of the publications that are available via the platform. We are talking about outlets such as the BBC, the New York Times, The Guardian, and more, all within the ordinary person's reach. In fact, you could argue that these kinds of links and mentions were previously unable to the average webmaster before this kind of service came along and shook the industry up.
There Will Be More People Exposed To Your Brand Than Ever Before
Because of the size and number of people that read some of the publications, you will be utterly amazed at how much exposure your brand can receive from the slightest of mentions! Moreover, due to the selective nature of the service and the fact that the reporters who reach out for information have their own reputations on the line, they will only choose advice from those who genuinely exhibit an innate knowledge of the topic. Consequently, the more knowledgeable you are, the more likely people will trust both the publication for mentioning you and you for the information you present. This can be a real boon regarding traffic and possibly even new subscribers for your various channels.
With The Right Approach And Lots Of Patience, You Can Build Amazing Backlinks
Although it seems that most search engines have reduced the impact of backlinks over the years, they still remain an absolutely integral aspect of ranking and therefore receiving organic traffic. However, there has been a palpable shift from quality to quality over the past decade, and when it comes to quality, you simply can't beat the types of links you can acquire from helping a reporter in need! Even though most links will be of the nofollow variety, they still impart confidence that your website is worthy of being mentioned by such illustrious and trusted publications.